So, what have I achieved?

New Media Solutions

Various client-based web projects

As part of the development team at New Media Solutions, I have worked on various projects, focusing on front end development but also gaining valuable experience in back-end development within occasional in-depth projects. Most of the work completed as part of this project has been only for advertisement and so has been very much front-end based with little advanced functionality. This has allowed me to concentrate on user experience (UX) design, creating my own framework & template set, and exploring new refactoring techniques which have allowed me to imporve average loading times by cutting down up to 70%.

My Blog

My weekly thoughts on all things programming, design and sport. I follow the world leaders in web design & development, general games development, AI programming for games, games design, games publishing, software development, and general sports punditry; though I don't always agree with what they publish. Click below to read more about my views, news and reviews about web, games, computing and football; the four pillars of my devotion.

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